The truth about catalysts for fuel combustion! Many companies try to deceive people with renamed copies of older products. This causes engine problems due to their low quality and harmful chemical compounds.
These new companies are lying, representing that their technology comes from 1970’s Nobel Prize winners on metallocene, such as ferrocene, which is an organometallic compound. These companies claim to have long histories in the marketplace. Potential customers should ask for certified test results, documents showing history, EPA registration and patents. Rennsli is able to provide all of this information.
“Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth”
The newest products on the market, such as B-ECO and GOVVI, were registered with the EPA on August 3, 2022, but they claim they were registered in 2009. ( )
First, you need to understand the difference between catalysts for fuel combustion and fuel additives, we leave you a link where we explain it:
Timeline of the most important Manufacturers of Catalysts for Fuel Combustion

FEROX by RENNSLI is the first Liquid Catalyst for Fuel Combustion, in 1986 ATK Thiokol and Hercules were looking to maximize the performance of their solid fuels for military missiles and aerospace rockets researching the development of a new solid rocket fuel manufacturing process. The leader of this project was Dr. W Wesley Parish. His knowledge of thermodynamics allowed him to pioneer chemical engineering process leading to our technology development seeing it could be utilized in any hydrocarbon fuel. Dr. Parish patented it, registered with the EPA, and Liquid was marketed under the name of FEROX 230. In 1986 the Ferox Inc company was created but the product has EPA registration from 1982.
In this link, you can consult more details of our history:
Since 1986, FEROX 230, was the first liquid catalyst for fuel combustion. One of its main characteristics is a high reduction in emissions and fuel consumption. Low dosage rates of 1:5000 gallons compared to other products in the market with dosage rates from 1:100 gallons to 1:3200 gallons, make our product very economical for end user. ( )
FEROX by RENNSLI for many years sold its liquids for private label to other companies. These brands were sold worldwide very successfully. For example, AXI INTERNATIONAL, sold them under their brands: ALGAE-X and AFC, both in liquid and solid form, utilizing all FEROX, LLC technical documents and history. This relationship ended in 2020. ( )
We attach links to some documents and success inventory with our liquid catalysts:
CHEMPLEX AUTOMOTIVE GROUP, in 1992, started with the manufacture of additives and liquid combustion catalysts using organometallics.

Starting in 2005, manufacturers such as FEROX, CHEMPLEX AUTOMOTIVE GROUP, CONSEAL INTERNATIONAL, FUEL FREEDOM INTERNATIONAL, and BIO PERFORMANCE, began research and development of solid catalysts for fuel combustion, using organometallics and other chemical compounds. In November 2005, FEROX filed a provisional patent application with the United States Patent Office (No. 60/738,188), FEROX achieved in its research the development of a solid catalyst that dissolves quickly in any hydrocarbon-based fuel and only works in the combustion process. ( )
Example of Dissolution of FEROX Tablets vs CHEMPLEX (2005) Patent:
Example 1
In a container, 0.22 g of ferrocene and 2 g of biphenyl were added and heated to approximately 70° C. The mixture was stirred until dissolution. The hot solution was poured into ceramic, pellet-shaped molds and allowed to cool to room temperature. After cooling, the pellet-shaped material was removed and each pellet weighed approximately half a gram. (The tablet was added to 500 mL of gasoline was observed to dissolve in 2 minutes and 20 seconds)
Example 20
An additional comparative example 20 was examined. A 1-gram tablet of ferrocene was obtained from Chemplex Automotive Group, Inc., Fullerton Calif. The tablet was added to 500 mL of gasoline. Approximately half of the table was observed to dissolve after 60 minutes. Therefore, it was observed a 1 gram tablet of ferrocene itself does not dissolve in less than 60 minutes.
In 2006, several manufacturers such as FEROX, CHEMPLEX AUTOMOTIVE GROUP, CONSEAL INTERNATIONAL, FUEL FREEDOM INTERNATIONAL, and BIO PERFORMANCE, began to sell their first solid formulas after obtaining their registration with the EPA. In November 2006, FEROX applied for the International Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT/US2006/061055).
BIOPERFORMANCE sold products through an MLM pyramid and they were made mostly of mothballs. The company was sued and temporarily closed on May 17, 2006, by the Texas Attorney General for being an alleged pyramid scheme, and also because of the company’s alleged false advertising claims, it left Texas and continues to sell in other US states. They are currently sold in various countries as a Biodegradable Enzymatic Catalyst under various brands and names such as: BIOCAT, CLEAN & GREEN, etc., in countries such as Mexico, Russia, the Middle East, etc. ( )
FEROX grants CONSEAL INTERNATIONAL a perpetual, non-exclusive, and irrevocable right to select, use and rely on Ferox present and future fuel additives based on Tier 1 data for EPA-registered iron atypical diesel fuel additives Ferox and iron atypical gasoline fuel additives for private label manufacture, sale, and distribution by ConSeal as “Relabel additives” under the Relabel provisions of 40 CFR part 79.
In 2008 the company RENNSLI CORP was created, this corporation is the new owner of all the facilities, equipment, patents, brands and intellectual property of the companies FEROX, LLC., 801 RACING, LLC., MA-FU. LLC.
FEROX by RENNSLI signs agreements with other companies such as GREEN FUEL TECHNOLOGIES / PRO-ONE, Combustion Technologies USA, LLC ( CLEANBOOST ), supports them to register their products with the EPA, they use all RENNSLI technical documents and history as a reference.
CONSEAL INTERNATIONAL sues FUEL FREEDOM INTERNATIONAL for Breach of Agreement/Contract since they manufactured the MPG-CAPS. ( )
This year, patent US7959693B2 “Combustion catalyst carriers and methods of using the same” is published and granted. to FEROX, LLC (Currently Assigned to RENNSLI Corp.)
In 2011 RENNSLI Corp. (formerly FEROX, LLC) and Combustion Technologies USA, LLC ( CLEANBOOST ) reach an agreement and create the joint venture “801 Racing, LLC”, RENNSLI owned sixty (60) percent, while Combustion Technologies The USA only owned a forty (40) percent minority interest. 801 Racing was financed and operated solely by RENNSLI, there was a new product for racing 801 Racing “PULSE” Power Boost manufactured by RENNSLI, and within the agreement, Combustion Technologies USA would have access to liquid and solid catalysts such as “FEROX Fuel Tabs” and “FEROX Powder” produced by RENNSLI and would be distributed by Combustion Technologies USA under its brands as “Cleanboost Maxx, Cleanboost Fuel Pills & Powder” and RENNSLI would have access to its oils and additives for racing engines that Combustion Technologies USA manufactured under its brand Cleanboost, and that would be distributed by the new company 801 Racing under its own brand.
801 Racing simply served as a brand to market products manufactured by RENNSLI and products distributed by Combustion Technologies USA. 801 Racing never owned any property, equipment, or intellectual property. In fact, all of 801 Racing’s operations were conducted at RENNSLI facilities, and 801 Racing trademarks have always been the property of RENNSLI. ( )
FEROX, LLC sues CONSEAL INTERNATIONAL ( Earth Eco Research, LLC, Genesis Pure, Inc, Green Foot Global, LLC ) for patent infringement, since the 2008 agreement FEROX supplied and sold its products to CONSEAL, but in the year 2010 CONSEAL decided to manufacture its products and no longer obtain them from FEROX. ( )
In 2014 Combustion Technologies USA begins to request large quantities of 1gm fuel catalysts tablets from RENNSLI Corp because it has a new multilevel company from Las Vegas Nevada called Future Global Vision as a client and they sell them under their EF-TABS brand. This company begins to lie about the characteristics, qualities, documents, and history of the product, saying they are the manufacturers and owners of the patent. This is where the false story of product development by a Nobel prize winning scientist starts.
RENNSLI CORP decides to close company 801 Racing, it begins to have problems with the quality of the motor oils and additives that are supplied by Combustion Technologies USA.
RENNSLI CORP Files Federal Patent Infringement Suit Against Combustion Technologies USA LLC, Brett Winberg, and Boost Performance Products.
The suit alleges that Winberg, Combustion Technologies and Boost Performance Products infringe Rennsli’s patent by selling tableted and powdered forms of a ferrocene-based fuel additive under several names, including CleanBoost, Clean Boost, Combust, Boost Performance.
The Complaint asserts that starting in 2009, Rennsli was Combustion’s sole source for all US-manufactured products sold under the CleanBoost names (CleanBoost Maxx, CleanBoost Diesel, CleanBoost Plus, and Snocat), Clean Boost, Combust, Boost Performance.
All that changed in 2017 or 2018, when Combustion Technologies decided to cut “Rennsli out of the supply chain and manufacture its own solid fuel additive products instead of purchasing them from Rennsli,” the Complaint alleges. Rennsli obtained a sample of Combustion Technologies’ product from Boost: “The product obviously was not manufactured by Rennsli as the product consistency was poor, the weight of the powder was falsely stated on the invoice, and the heat seal on the bag was different from that employed by Rennsli,” the Complaint states. The lawsuit further asserts: “Winberg has represented, and continues to represent, to Combustion Technologies customers and potential customers that he is the inventor and manufacturer of Rennsli’s patented products and that Rennsli’s products are a ‘knock off’ of Combustion Technologies’s products.”
In 2020 AXI International tries to buy the company from RENNSLI Corp, not wanting to sell it to them, they comment that they will stop buying the products and end a commercial relationship of more than 20 years to distribute and sell our catalysts under their brands such as ALGAE-X and AFC. ( As of 2020 the new supplier of its products is Combustion Technologies USA )
After the lawsuit, Combustion Technologies USA is prevented from copying RENNSLI’s products. They now use one of the formulas that RENNSLI from the beginning of its patent process and does not use, which takes more time to dissolve, it modifies the fuel specification and is flammable, characteristics that RENNSLI’s patented formulas do not have since our solid catalysts dissolve quickly, don´t modify fuel specifications, are not flammable and are biodegradable.
Combustion Technologies USA and Future Global Vision due to the increase in fuel prices come together and begin to sell these imitation products both in liquid catalysts with the name EF-GOLDEN, solid as EF-TABS, and their oil additive as EF- OILFUSION, through its MLM marketing network system via its website ( )
PRO ONE / GREEN FUEL TECHNOLOGIES tried to sell their product B-ECO Fuel Tabs through a multi-level MLM network B-EPIC but were unsuccessful and started having problems ( ) .
Combustion Technologies USA and Future Global Vision, seeing that B-ECO did not work through Lance Conrad, who was the Master Distributor for B-Epic, created another MLM marketing network company called GOVVI, and thus take advantage of the network formed with B-ECO, using several of our documents, information and all the lies that have been generated since 2015 with FGV. ( ). After losing the lawsuit that we filed against them, we know that he has allied with other companies like AXI and they offer the formula that FEROX worked with at the beginning of his patent and the rejection due to the characteristics that it had, such as that it is flammable, it takes longer to dissolve, modifies the fuel and does not work well in diesel and gases, it was discarded since FEROX was looking for a formula that was multipurpose, that had the best characteristics and properties, did not modify the fuel or its use and that would be used for all types of hydrocarbon-based fuels and alcohols.
RENNSLI Corp, also began to promote its patented products through some marketing networks such as XCELERATE, CFORTH, and GPM (Global Power Matrix), in addition to offering them through traditional direct sales worldwide.
From 2006 to date we have had several success stories with clients using our solid catalysts and with new formulas that we have developed such as the DS-600i that with only one gram can treat up to 40 gallons of diesel (150 liters).

If you have any comments, need or want more information about our products, you can contact us by email at: [email protected] , [email protected] , or check the following links:

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